ISRM 2024

International Seminar of Research Month 2024

Innovation and Advancing Multidisciplinary for Achieving SDGs in Community

International Seminar of Research Month

Event Highlight

International Seminar of Research Month

ISRM 2024

International Seminar of Research Month 2024 is a yearly international conference, organized by Research and Community Service Institution, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur. This conference will be held in the City of Heros, Surabaya, Indonesia on 15-16th October 2024. We encourage academicians, students, researchers, policymakers, industrial professionals, and government and non- government agencies worldwide to join our conference and share their findings on various topics related to science, engineering, technology and social science.

The theme for ISRM 2024 is “Innovation and Advancing Multidisciplinary for Achieving SDGs in Community”, which was inspired by the accelerated achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations and the SDG governance structure in Indonesia.

Themes : “Innovation and Advancing Multidisciplinary for Achieving SDGs in Community"

Sub Theme : "Digital Literacy Advancement; Food Security and Agro-Industry; Green Energy; Community Resilience; ICT and Data Security; Creative Economy; Law Enforcement; Healthcare"



International Seminar of Research Month

ISRM 2024


  Lecturer Student
Indonesian Presenter & Participant from Internal UPNV JATIM IDR 500.000 IDR 250.000
Indonesian Presenter & Participant from External UPNV JATIM IDR 1.500.000 IDR 250.000
International/ Foreign Presenter USD 160 USD 160
Payment via BTN 2024 Virtual Account 94627922100111174

   Foreign Tourist  Domestic Tourist
 Bromo Tour  USD 77  IDR 1.000.000

Previous ISRM

International Seminar of Research Month

Contact Us




Address Research and Community Service Center UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Gedung Technopark, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur
Jl. Rungkut Madya, Gununganyar, Surabaya, 60294